Nitrogen Management Solutions
Active STABILIZER™ PLUS is a dual-action nitrogen saving technology that inhibits both ammonia volatilisation and nitrification/denitrification.
A liquid fertiliser additive that controls ammonia volatilisation from urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) fertilisers.
A liquid additive for urea and UAN fertilisers that reduces nitrogen loss by inhibiting nitrification.

What Causes Nitrogen Loss?
There are two causes of nitrogen loss: ammonia volatilisation and nitrification. Ammonia volatilisation occurs when urease enzymes convert nitrogen fertiliser to ammonia gas which is then released into the atmosphere. The second cause of nitrogen loss is nitrification where bacteria in the soil transform N fertiliser into its more unstable form: nitrate. Nitrate is prone to losses through run-off, leaching, and denitrification.
How to Prevent Nitrogen Loss
Active AgriScience nitrogen stabilisers inhibit either volatilisation, nitrification, or both. ARM U 28% NBPT inhibits volatilisation while ARM U 16% DMPP neutralizes the bacteria that causes nitrification. Active STABILIZER PLUS is a dual nitrogen stabiliser that reduces both forms of nitrogen loss.

Nitrogen Stabiliser Research
Active AgriScience nitrogen stabilisers are backed by years of 3rd party scientific research. Our latest study from the University of Manitoba found significant nitrogen savings in urea treated with Active AgriScience N stabilisers. 84.4% nitrogen was saved over a 14 day period with compared with untreated fertiliser.
Which Nitrogen Stabiliser Should I Use?
Active AgriScience nitrogen stabilisers are suited for any climate, soil type, or budget. Colder climates with low rainfall will benefit more from our NBPT products while our DMPP products will be more effective in warmer environments and higher moisture. Our Active STABILIZER brand is a low cost solution with significant nitrogen loss protection. ARM U is our premium nitrogen stabiliser made for high N loss situations.

Environmental Benefits of Nitrogen Stabilisers
An often overlooked concern with nitrogen loss are the nitrous oxide emissions from the denitrification of nitrogen fertiliser. Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide and can live in the atmosphere for over 100 years.
Active AgriScience DMPP based nitrogen stabilisers inhibit the processes that lead to nitrous oxide emissions.

Learn More About Our Nitrogen Stabilisers
Nitrogen management is the key to both improving farming efficiency and reducing its environmental impact. To learn more about how our nitrogen stabiliser technologies work, watch the video below.