
All of the tools and information you need to manage Active AgriScience products.

seedling fertilizer

Nitrogen Stabilizer Treatment Calculator

Calculate the amount of nitrogen stabilizer treatment required based on your fertilizer type and weight. This tool also includes an ROI calculation based on your crop and price per bushel.

poly seedling in hand

Crop Diagnostics

Determine whether your crop has any nutritional deficiencies that might limit its yield.

nitrogen stabilizer

Nitrogen Stabilizer Guide

A guide for preventing nitrogen loss with our nitrogen stabilization products including useful application information and the results of independent, multi-year field trials.


Trial Protocol

With unexpected variables such as soil conditions, weather, pests, diseases, tank mix partners, applications rates, and errors in mixing and application, we encourage all prospective customers to run trials of our products before broad acreage adoption. Please visit our Trial Protocol page to learn more.

production warehouse

Emergency Response Plan

Active AgriScience manufactures seed treatment, foliar fertilizer and nitrogen stabilizer products. Please follow these instructions in case of an accidental chemical spill of AAS products.

Active AgriScience Storage Tanks

Storage and Handling

A guide for proper storage and handling of Active AgriScience products to ensure their long-term efficacy.

active-agriscience-lab scientists

Compatibility Guide

Active AgriScience products are compatible with most pesticides and fertilizers. Please read the Compatibility Guide and conduct pre-testing if a combination has not been previously used.