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Active PRIME™
The nutrient content in Active PRIME™ helps improve germination with significantly greater root growth for hardier seedlings.
Active BUILD™
The nutrient content in Active BUILD™ helps promote growth above and below ground while protecting young plants from stressors.
Active FLOWER™
The nutrient content in Active FLOWER™ helps enhance pollen development, anther dehiscence, pollen hydration, fertilization, and production of fruit, pods and seeds.
Active INFURROW™ delivers nutrients directly to the root zone to stimulate early germination, better root growth and stronger plants.
Active VPR™
Active VPR™ acts as a post-emergent herbicide stress reliever while acting synergistically with the herbicide to increase its efficacy on weeds.
Active VPR™ PLUS
Active VPR™ PLUS contains urea-potassium phosphate and helps combat herbicide stress.
Active UAN™
Active UAN™ is a liquid fertilizer containing urea, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen.
Active PodFILL™
The nutrient content in Active PodFILL™ enhances pollen development and fertilization of peas, lentils, soybeans.
Active GrainFILL™
The nutrient content in Active GrainFILL™ optimizes grain size and weight by improving nutrition and extending the grain fill period.
Active KONNECT™ contains the plant growth regulator Kinetin to help enhance the potential size and volume of your crop.
Proform N™
The nutrient content in Proform N™ supports photosynthesis and the production of proteins for stronger, healthier crops.
ARM U™ is an NBPT based fertilizer additive that allows plants to absorb a greater amount of nitrogen which otherwise disappears too quickly through conversion to ammonia gas.
A liquid fertilizer additive that controls ammonia volatilization from urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) fertilizers.
A liquid additive for urea and UAN fertilizers that reduces nitrogen loss by inhibiting nitrification.
Active STABILIZER™ PLUS is a dual-action nitrogen saving technology that inhibits both ammonia volatilization and nitrification/denitrification.
Active BANDIT™ is the ultimate solution to safeguard your nitrogen fertilizer investment with banding applications.
Active Boron™
Active BORON™ is a foliar-applied boron fertilizer solution that can alleviate boron deficiencies in crops.
Active Copper™
Active COPPER™ is a foliar-applied copper fertilizer solution that can alleviate copper deficiencies in crops.
Active Iron™
Active IRON™ 6 % Fe is a foliar-applied iron fertilizer solution that can alleviate iron deficiencies in crops.
Active Manganese™
Active Manganese™ 7% Mn is a foliar-applied manganese fertilizer solution that can correct manganese deficiencies in crops.
Active Zinc™
Active Zinc™ is a foliar-applied zinc fertilizer solution that can alleviate zinc deficiencies in crops.
Active PLS™
Active PLS™ improves germination, early growth, and the efficiency of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) for legumes.
Hydro Root™
Hydro Root™ promotes root initiation and root growth in plant cuttings.
Hydro Booster™
Hydro Booster™ contains a mild nutrient solution that helps initial propagation of cuttings.
Hydro Grow™
Hydro Grow™ is an easy to absorb vegetative nutrient mix that encourages lush and robust growth.
Hydro Bloom™
Hydro Bloom™ provides essential nutrients for robust plants and beautiful blooms.
Hydro Enhancer™
Hydro Enhancer™ is an excellent source of foliar nitrogen that is specially formulated for easy absorption.
Hydro Cal-Mag™
The nutrient content in Hydro Cal-Mag™ helps prevent and correct calcium and magnesium deficiencies in plants.
ReROOT™ is a mild fertilizer solution that encourages strong root growth and development.
ReSET Foliar™
ReSET Foliar™ provides important nutrients for bud set and early spring growth.
ReSET Soil™
ReSET Soil™ is a fertigation nutrient solution to help with bud set and spring nutrition.
The nutrient content in PollinAID help enhance pollen development, fertilization, and the production of fruit and berries.
KMAX is a potassium supplement that contains the plant growth regulator Kinetin to help enhance the potential volume of fruit and berries.
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Active AgriScience has sales representatives that help us support farmers across the globe. Please find the location closest to you and contact them about purchasing our liquid fertilizer or nitrogen stabilizer products.